European 16

Chinese Dragon Game ‘Nam Yeh’ in 5-drawer box. The box is a replica. The content is original.

Box (203x133x83mm) is made of cardboard pasted with silky paper. Box and label are replicas. Inside are 4 trays for tiles and one with partitions for counters etc.

Tiles (22x30x11mm) are German. Made of blank wood with lacquered back. Printed with fanciful characters etc. Dots 1 reads Nam Yeh. Flower tiles show twice the same golden plants. There are no spare tiles. The set is probably meant for export since East Wind instead of Ostwind has been applied.

Counters are strips of blank wood with Western denomination in black and red.

Dice (2x) are made of wood with red western points.

Wind indicators are identical to the playing tiles. With large initials.

Instruction manual is lacking