European 14

German mini-set in box with diagonal lid.

Box (135x95x90mm) is German. Made of sturdy cardboard covered with fake Chinese paper pasted with a label printed with ‘Ma-Jong Tsjang-Bang’. Inside the lid a sticker is glued. Within are 3 trays (with a double layer of tiles) covered with paper. Below is space for counters etc.

Tiles (17x24x8mm) are German. Made of wood that has been painted dim white on top and black on the back. Printed with freely interpreted characters and images. Ostwind replaces East wind. The flower tiles show 2x four cherries and lotuses. One Dots 2 and 6 and one spare tile are substitutes. There are two spare tiles.

Counters are rough strips of painted wood.

Dice (2x) are made of bone with Western points.

Wind indicators are tiles in the same colors as the counters.

Instruction manual is missing.