Miscellaneous 18b

Asian dice

These dice with one big red dot instead of a void spot, are typical for the Mah Jongg sets made, most likely in the fifties and sixties, in South-East Asia. But also later and nowadays. The original Chinese sets from the twenties and thirties, contained so called cricket boxes: small coffin sized holders made of wood with a sliding lid. Somewhere after WWII the manufacturing of cricket boxes suddenly stopped. The sets are complete and the dice are identical as far handicraft goes. The numbers 4., 5. and 6. are made of a rough kind of bone.

4. 4x tiny dices (6x6x6mm) made of bone(?) with Chinese points. With one big red dot. € 15,-.

5. 4x dice (8x8x8mm) made of bone(?) with Chinese points. With one big red dot. € 15,-.

6. 4x dice (10x10x10mm) made of bone(?) with Chinese points. With one big red dot. € 15,-.

7. 2x dice (14x14x14mm) made of synthetic material with Chinese points. With one big red dot. € 15,-.